The Reports of Oil’s Death Are Not Greatly Exaggerated

The oil industry was having a very bad year before the COVID-19 lockdown made…

Isolation Tips: Coping With Long, Annoying Commercials

Remember that bit you used to do in the 90s about being trapped in an elevator…

Trump’s Major Strasser Moment

Are you one of those people who cannot imagine Donald Trump and Abraham Lincoln…

Working from Zoom: Adventures in Cyberdemocracy

“The point is, in a pandemic, meeting virtually is better than not meeting at…

Hubris, Black Swans and the Future of Europe

European Council meetings are seldom exciting. But last week's virtual…

Not Business as Usual: Why Getting Back to Work Won’t Be Simple

The question of how people can return to work outside their homes — even after…

What a Difference a Crisis Makes: How Canadians are Uniting in a Pandemic 

Before the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic began to drastically alter the daily…

The End of the Beginning: What We’ve Already Learned about Pandemic Response

Canada’s health care providers, policy makers and elected officials are already…

The Pandemic

From the Editor / L. Ian MacDonald Welcome, if that’s the right word, to our…