Harnessing Change in a Crisis: Lessons from The Recovery Project

Since April, The Recovery Project — launched by Canada 2020, Global Progress…

Free at Last*: Make Emancipation Day a National Holiday

The declaration of August 1st as a national Emancipation Day holiday would be…

Memo to Ottawa: Canadian Booksellers Need Help, Strings Attached

The pandemic shutdown has taken a toll on Indigo, a retail anchor whose…

‘Be Prepared’ Applies to More than Pandemics: Modernizing Canada’s Cyberdefence

With more of our post-pandemic lives migrating online, Canada needs an upgraded…

All in the Family

L. Ian MacDonald July 12, 2020 The WE story isn’t about us, it’s about them,…

The Deficit Nobody Could Have Predicted

Don Newman July 8, 2020   It’s big. The projected deficit for the current…

A Fiscal Snapshot for Unprecedented Times

L Ian MacDonald July 8, 2020 Government programs and events are famously  known…

To Fly or Not to Fly? A Brief COVID Travelogue

A professor who teaches at the world’s leading business schools from McGill to…

Brian Mulroney is Having a Moment

The former prime minister has been expressing his views on a range of thorny…