The G7: Hard Talk or a Sleep-Walk?

  Jeremy Kinsman As the Charlevoix G7 approaches, there is some question…

The Innovation Issue

  Lisa Van Dusen Welcome to our second annual issue on innovation, again…

O Jerusalem! Sacred to Three Faiths, Capital of One? 

  Jeremy Kinsman Among the vast battalions of experts who’ve grown old in…

Budget 2018

L. Ian MacDonald   Welcome to our cover package on Budget 2018. Finance…

Catalonia’s Lesson in Intranational Power Dynamics

Jeremy Kinsman Among the more melodramatic political narratives in a year when…

Trump and the World

L. Ian MacDonald Welcome to our issue marking Donald Trump’s first year in…

“Ten Days That Shook the World”: 100 Years Later

Jeremy Kinsman As events in Washington, online and elsewhere inform the…

Mid-Term Report Card

From the Editor / L. Ian MacDonald Welcome to our special Mid-Term Report Card…

Free Trade at 30: Renewing NAFTA at 25

From the Editor / L. Ian MacDonald Welcome to our special issue marking 30…

Negotiating With an Elephant: NAFTA’s Not for Sissies 

Jeremy Kinsman While it may seem as though the NAFTA renegotiations are about…