Policy Magazine
Policy is published by Mediamundo. The contents are copyrighted, but may be reproduced with permission and attribution.
The Twilight Struggle: What the Cold War Teaches Us About Great-Power Rivalry Today
Hal Brands
‘The Twilight Struggle’: Competition Between the Sunshine of Peace and the Darkness of War
Empathy: Turning Compassion Into Action
David Johnston
Empathy as a Public Good: Roméo Dallaire on David Johnston’s ‘Self-Help Book for Humanity’
Canada and China: A Fifty-Year Journey
Michael B. Frolic
‘Canada and China’: The Bilateral Journey, from Trudeau to Trudeau
The Chaos Machine: The Inside Story of How Social Media Rewired Our Minds and Our World
Max Fisher
‘The Chaos Machine’: Life in the Age of Anti-Reality Propaganda
A Life Between Worlds: The Further Examination of George Kennan
Frank Costigliola
A Life Between Worlds: The Further Examination of George Kennan
Above the Fold: A Personal History of the Toronto Star
John Honderich
‘Above the Fold’: How John Honderich Got it First, Sewed it Up and Played it Big
Master Negotiator: The Role of James A. Baker, III at the End of the Cold War
Diana Villiers Negroponte
Master Negotiator: James A. Baker and the Hinge of History
Our America: A Photographic History
Ken Burns
by Anthony Wilson-SmithReviewer
‘Our America’: An Epic Told in Moments
John Turner: An Intimate Biography of Canada's 17th Prime Minister
Steve Paikin
The Man Behind the Myth: An Intimate Biography of John Turner
Everything you need to know from Ottawa, Washington and beyond.
The magazine produced by thought leaders for thought leaders brings you The Week in Policy.
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