Policy Magazine

Policy is published six times annually by Mediamundo. The contents are copyrighted, but may be reproduced with permission and attribution in print.

Policy Magazine is also available on pressreader

Unlikely Insider: A West Coast Advocate in Ottawa
Jack Austin with Edie Austin

‘Unlikely Insider’: Jack Austin’s Life in Politics … and Travels with Pierre

On Writing and Failure: Or, On the Peculiar Perseverance Required to Endure the Life of a Writer
Stephen Marche

‘On Writing and Failure’: Write Your Heart Out and Pass the Romanian Pinot

Where to From Here: A Path to Canadian Prosperity
Bill Morneau

‘Where To From Here’: Morneau’s Exit Memo and Mission Statement

Private Power, Public Purpose: Adventures in Business, Politics and the Arts
Thomas d’Aquino

‘Private Power, Public Purpose’, or What I Saw at the Policy Revolution

The Twilight Struggle: What the Cold War Teaches Us About Great-Power Rivalry Today
Hal Brands

‘The Twilight Struggle’: Competition Between the Sunshine of Peace and the Darkness of War

The Chaos Machine: The Inside Story of How Social Media Rewired Our Minds and Our World
Max Fisher

‘The Chaos Machine’: Life in the Age of Anti-Reality Propaganda

A Life Between Worlds: The Further Examination of George Kennan
Frank Costigliola

A Life Between Worlds: The Further Examination of George Kennan

Above the Fold: A Personal History of the Toronto Star
John Honderich

‘Above the Fold’: How John Honderich Got it First, Sewed it Up and Played it Big

Everything you need to know from Ottawa, Washington and beyond.

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($100 per year for single subscriptions, $500 per year for corporate subscriptions).