Policy Magazine

Policy is published six times annually by Mediamundo. The contents are copyrighted, but may be reproduced with permission and attribution in print.

Policy Magazine is also available on pressreader

Statesmen, Strategists & Diplomats: Canada’s Prime Ministers and the Making of Foreign Policy
Patrice Dutil

‘Statesmen, Strategists and Diplomats’: Ranking Canada’s PMs on Foreign Policy

From Charity to Change: Inside the World of Canadian Foundations
Hilary Pearson

‘From Charity to Change’: Doing Well While Doing Good

Passionate Mothers, Powerful Sons: The Lives of Jennie Jerome Churchill and Sara Roosevelt
Charlotte Gray

‘Passionate Mothers, Powerful Sons’: Behind Every Great Man

Paper Trails: From the Backwoods to the Front Page, a Life in Stories
Roy MacGregor

‘Paper Trails’: Roy MacGregor’s Quintessentially Canadian Memoir

Generation Why: How Boomers Can Lead and Learn From Millennials and Gen Z
Karl Moore

‘Generation Why’: A Guide to Leading and Learning from Millennials and Gen Z

Learning from the Past, Imagining the Future: Reflections from a Political Life
Bob Rae

True Believer: Bob Rae’s ‘Learning From the Past, Imagining the Future’

Everything you need to know from Ottawa, Washington and beyond.

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