Policy Magazine

Policy is published six times annually by Mediamundo. The contents are copyrighted, but may be reproduced with permission and attribution in print.

Policy Magazine is also available on pressreader

Restoring Democracy in an Age of Populists and Pestilence
Jonathan Manthorpe

A Prescription for Democracy

Collateral Damage: Britain, America and Europe in the Age of Trump
Kim Darroch

The Diplomatic Life and Tactless Sacking of Kim Darroch

JFK: Coming of Age in the American Century
Frederick Logevall

Profile in Patriotism: The JFK Bio as Timely Reminder

Commanding Hope: The Power We Have to Renew a World in Peril
Thomas Homer-Dixon

A Road Map to Survival, And a Bit About My Mum

Trumpocalypse—Restoring American Democracy
David Frum

The Trumpification of Republican America

Professional Heckler: The Life and Art of Duncan Macpherson
Terry Mosher

The Life and Work of One Great Canadian Cartoonist—by Another

Democracy in Canada: The Disintegration of Our Institutiones
Donald J. Savoie

Canada’s Democratic Deficit

Everything you need to know from Ottawa, Washington and beyond.

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($100 per year for single subscriptions, $500 per year for corporate subscriptions).