Policy Magazine

Policy is published six times annually by Mediamundo. The contents are copyrighted, but may be reproduced with permission and attribution in print.

Policy Magazine is also available on pressreader

The Tyranny of Merit: What's Become of the Common Good?
Michael J. Sandel

Merit and the Hubris of Elitism

Watermelon Snow: Science, Art and a Lone Polar Bear
Lynne Quarmby

Exploring the Arctic, and Climate Activism

Extraordinary Canadians
Peter Mansbridge with Mark Bulgutch

A Journey of the Heart

Personal Account: 25 Tales about Leadership, Learning, and Legacy from a Lifetime at Bank of Montreal
Tony Comper

Lessons in Leadership and Life

The Sport & Prey of Capitalists: How the Rich Are Stealing Canada's Public Wealth
Linda McQuaig

The Undervalued Virtues of Public Enterprise

The Man Who Ran Washington: The Life and Times of James A. Baker III
Peter Baker and Susan Glasser

James A. Baker III: Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove

Everything you need to know from Ottawa, Washington and beyond.

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($100 per year for single subscriptions, $500 per year for corporate subscriptions).