Policy Magazine

Policy is published six times annually by Mediamundo. The contents are copyrighted, but may be reproduced with permission and attribution in print.

Policy Magazine is also available on pressreader

The Long Game: China's Grand Strategy to Displace American Order
Rush Doshi

The Long Game: Inside China’s Plan for US Displacement and Domination

The Plague Year: America in the Time of COVID
Lawrence Wright

COVID, Politics and the Role of Leadership

The Third Man: Churchill, Roosevelt,Mackenzie King and the Untold Friendship that Won WWII
Neville Thompson

The Middleman: How Mackenzie King Helped Churchill and Roosevelt Save the World

The Unexpected Louis St-Laurent: Politics and Policies for a Modern Canada
Patrice Dutil, Editor

‘Uncle Louis’ – A Quiet Man of Excellence

Disaster Proof: Scenario Planning for a Post-Pandemic Future
Lance Mortlock

Scenario Planning in a VUCA World

The Triumph of Nancy Reagan
Karen Tumulty

The Flawed, Formidable Nancy Reagan

Defying the Dragon: Hong Kong and the World's Largest Dictatorship
Stephen Vines

Defying the Dragon: Hong Kong, China and the Future of Freedom

Everything you need to know from Ottawa, Washington and beyond.

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