
Our Policy Online Special Series thematics

Reach the Readers who Make the Policy

For more than a decade, Policy has served as a platform for informed insight, analysis and opinion by and for political and public policy professionals. With our 2024 shift to online-only, Policy continues to expand its readership in Canada, the United States and beyond. Our readers, like our contributors, are veteran policymakers, MPs, Senators, diplomats, senior bureaucrats, CEOs, government relations specialists, political journalists and followers of political and policy news in Canada and elsewhere.

Founded by longtime Canadian political columnist, author, former prime ministerial speechwriter and diplomat L. Ian MacDonald (publisher emeritus), and longtime US political columnist, former UPI and AP editor Lisa Van Dusen (editor and publisher), Policy is pan-partisan and independent.

Policy Online

Policy Online presents a dynamic selection of the expert foreign, economic, health, social and energy policy analysis, the diplomatic and political writing, and the opinion content that has built our contributor and readership community over the past 10 years. Our Policy Specials, Columns, AnalysisBook Reviews, Dispatches and Verbatim sections all include great policy and political writing by and for seasoned professionals. Our Emerging Voices section showcases policy insight and analysis from the seasoned professionals of the future, in collaboration with public policy and political science faculties at Canada’s major universities. Banners, sponsored editorial content and joint series partnerships available.

The Week in Policy

Our Friday afternoon global news brief, The Week in Policy curates the week’s political and policy news the way our contributors and readers process and talk about it — in a borderless, interconnected, sometimes cheeky mix of Canadian, Canada-US, international news, books and cultural highlights. Banner placements and section sponsorships available.

Special Series Packages

From our series on Canada’s pre-election political landscape, The Road to 2025*, to our commemorative series Remembering Brian Mulroney, to our rememberance series, The 80th Anniversary of D-Day, our Policy Online series packages include the same excellent writing, elegant design and engaging visuals that have made us the preferred platform for political and policy writers, and readers, for more than a decade. We’ll have more special series packages to come throughout 2024. Banner placements and sponsorships availalable.

Print Editions by Request

We are happy to publish issue-oriented print editions of Policy, for which we provide editorial, design and promotional support. Rates for this sponsored content vary. For more information, contact

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